Understanding Your Pet’s Labwork Webinar

Two announcements here today: first is that Understanding Your Pet’s Labwork: A Guide to Communicating with Your Veterinarian is now available in print form! I don’t know about you, but when it comes to reference material, I prefer a print format to a digital one.

The second announcement goes hand in hand with the first: I’m so pleased to be offering a digital course on Understanding Your Pet’s Labwork in conjunction with Suzanne Clothier on October 12th, at 3 pm EST.

You can sign up for the course on Suzanne’s website here: Understanding Your Pet’s Lab Work.

If you’re not familiar with Suzanne, she is a highly respected dog trainer, international speaker, the bestselling author of Bones Would Rain From The Sky, and the founder of Relationship Centered Training.

I met Suzanne many years ago when I had a German Shepherd named Abbey, who’d become dog-reactive after being attacked by a neighbor’s pack of dogs that had every intention of killing her. As far as Abbey was concerned after this event, a good offense was the best defense. At the time, Suzanne was running Camp Dances with Dogs, and she agreed to have Abbey and I join as participants. I’ll never forget watching Suzanne assess my dog very accurately within a matter of minutes and determine that she wasn’t aggressive–she was terrified of being jumped again. I could scarcely believe it when Suzanne was able to select dogs out of the group that would be non-threatening to Abbey and introduce her in a controlled setting. I watched my dog relax and play for the first time in years.

My experience at Camp DWD that year had a profound impact on my life. I came away from camp not only wanting to have a different kind of relationship with my dog, but wanting to practice a different style of medicine too.

During one of my camp attendances, Suzanne invited me to be a guest speaker. I chose to talk about lab work, and why I thought it was important for pet owners to have a basic understanding of the most common test run and the implications of their results. Afterward, she encouraged me to write a book about it, and Understanding Your Pet’s Labwork was born.

It was many years in the making, however. At the time, self-publishing wasn’t possible, and I had a hard time finding a publisher who didn’t want to reduce the text to a series of bullet points. When self-publishing became widely available, it still wasn’t possible to format the charts and tables I needed. When the industry changed to accommodate such needs, it had been so long since I’d written the original material, that I had some serious editing and updating to do. In the end, I’m glad it was such a lengthy process because I’m a much better writer now than I was when I first started this project.

So I am greatly honored to be doing this webinar in conjunction with Suzanne. I’ll be hitting the highlights of the book, explaining the CBC, the chem panel, the urinalysis, and other common lab tests run. There will be a Q&A at the end, too! Not to worry if you can’t make it to the seminar live: everyone who signs up for the course will have access to the recorded material later. Win-Win for everyone!

I hope to see you at the webinar!

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