Understanding Your Pet’s Labwork is on Sale!

Just in time for Black Friday/Cyber Monday, Understanding Your Pet’s Labwork: A Guide to Communicating with Your Veterinarian is on sale for a limited time. Looking for the perfect holiday gift for the pet lover in your life? This unique reference book is designed for the discerning dog or cat lover who would like to understand in more detail what it means when your dog’s ALKP is high, or why imbalances in electrolytes are so concerning.

Empower yourself as a pet parent to ask the right questions when faced with certain test results, and have a better understanding of why your veterinarian recommends certain courses of action.

Veterinarians and veterinary professionals may also find this resource useful when explaining the implications behind certain test results, and open up a clearer dialog between you and your clients.

This is a reference book that can be used in many ways: as a resource when looking up specific test results, as a text to be read over time when you’d to know more how veterinarians view diagnostic testing, or if you’d like a simple analogy to explain how the kidneys or the pancreas works.

Understanding Your Pet’s Labwork has been discounted for this weekend alone, so grab your copy at this price while you can!

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